The parish is attempting to update its records through the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi. By doing so we will be able to better utilize the diocesan system. Please help the office by completing the update form included in the February 2nd 2025 bulletin. You may return the form in the following weeks to the parish office or email to Your efforts are truly appreciated.
Parish Member Updates
Youth Ministry Bake Sale
St. Ann’s Youth Ministry will be hosting a Bake Sale on Sunday, February 9th at 10:00am, after the 9:00 mass. Please support our youth.
Opus Sanctorum Angelorum
Opus Sanctorum Angelorum, the work of the Holy Angels, is an international movement within the Catholic Church faithful to the Magisterium. It is the order to promote devotion to the Holy Angels and form a covenant bond with them through a consecration approved by the Holy See, so that the Angels may lead us more effectively to God.
If you would like more information on Consecration to your Guardian Angel, please come to an informational meeting on Monday, October 7th at 9:00AM in the Parish Hall. See the 9/22 bulletin insert for contact information and more details.
Lizana Light Volunteers
Calling ALL Parishioners !!!! Lizana Light Ministry is looking for people to assist one Saturday a month in coordinating the food assistance program here at the parish. We have been given notice that the wonderful ladies overseeing the food ministry have decided to retire after 2 years of service to our parish. This ministry needs both men and women to help it move forward. Please consider giving your time just one Saturday a month to help the needy within our community. All food collections are completed by other members of our parish and assembled in boxes to be given out prior to the Saturday distribution. Please contact Fr. Cuddy if you have any questions or would like to help.
New Bible Study Series
A Bible study entitled, “Your Life in the Holy Spirit” is being formed here at the parish. Anyone interested in participating in this Bible study, please contact Ruth Schonewitz at 228-219-8782.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Are You Considering Becoming Catholic? Are You A Catholic Interested In Being Confirmed? Are You A Confirmed Catholic Who’s Ready To Explore Your Faith Anew? Are you a Catholic looking to expand your knowledge of your faith?
If you are seeking to become Catholic, know of someone that would like more information on our Catholic faith, or are Catholic and would like additional insight into your faith, please join us for RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) classes in the parish hall on Wednesdays at 6:00pm (more details to follow).
First Friday Adoration

First Friday Adoration is held the first Friday of each month after the 8am Mass in the chapel. Please come join us and spend some quiet time with our Lord in prayer.
Online Learning – FORMED

St. Ann’s parish has a FORMED subscription now available, where you will find Bible study classes, books, videos, and movies available to stream online any time. To set up your free account visit
- Enter your parish zip code 39503
- Enter your name and email address
Once you are registered, you can sign in and start watching – a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our faith and grow in our spirituality.